Linearity Records
Linearity allows you to designate a specific device, material lot, and parameters for which results are charted using the associated ranges.
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Institution Access
Adding and Generating
Deactivating or Deleting
Linearity Actions
Institution Access
A linearity record’s institution identity is based on the selected device’s assigned location. If the selected device is unassigned, institution access is set to the logged in user’s home location. The options that are available as linearity criteria and the chartable results will be limited by institution access according to the following rules:
- Devices currently outside the user’s institution access are not displayed when selecting criteria. However, unassigned devices will be available for selection.
- If a device’s assigned location changed and caused the institution access to change, all results for that device will be charted.
Adding and Generating
Linearity records can be manually added to the RALS™ SYSTEM. Linearity charts can be generated based on the selected criteria. A generated linearity record with associated results contains a chart (wherever applicable), a table of result values, and a table of statistics. See Result Reviews for more information on reviewing result values.
The system attempts to generate charts based on selected chart criteria and includes a graph reflecting the average of each linearity level as data points, chart statistics, and a result values data table. If no data is available for a chart criterion or if there are an insufficient number of chartable points (e.g., all points are excluded or there is only one point), then no data will be charted.
For more information about adding a linearity record:
Selecting linearity criteria allows the user to choose what is charted. Criteria become read-only once a record has been reviewed. The following criteria can be selected when generating a linearity record:
Criteria Name | Description |
Date | The date from which chart data (e.g., results, ranges, etc.) are pulled |
Time Zone | The time zone applied to the date when querying for chart data |
Device Type | Device Type for which you are generating charts |
Device | Results are charted from the selected device |
Reagent | Reagent for which you are generating charts |
Linearity | Linearity for which you are generating charts |
Test Type | Test type for which you are generating charts; supported by i-STAT® 1 for Cal/Ver product types |
Parameters | Select one or more parameters (analytes) to be charted; if none selected, then all parameters are charted |
Chart ranges are stored on the material or on the result, based on the device type. Depending on where the ranges are stored, and if they’re supplied, the system will determine which ranges are used for generating a linearity chart. The logic for determining the ranges used for charting is explained in the table below. The ranges used for a linearity chart are based on the selected device type:
Device Type | Ranges |
Abbott Glucose, Inform II | Default custom ranges |
epoc | Result ranges, if available. Otherwise, default custom ranges |
All other device types | Manufacturer ranges |
The best fit line (also known as a trend line) is a straight line that best represents the data on a scatter plot. The target line denotes where ideal values would fall on the chart.
A chart legend is displayed under the criteria after a chart has been generated.
The legend contains the following icons:
Icon | Description | Notes |
In Range | Indicates values that are within the expected ranges |
Out of Range | Indicates values that are outside of the target range but within the chart’s boundary |
No Ranges Found | Indicates values that have no range data |
Best Fit Line | Indicates the best fit line |
Target Line | Indicates the target line |
The statistics below are displayed for each linearity record. These calculations use the mean of the result values for each linearity level.
Field Name | Description | Notes |
Total Results | Count of all charted results (included and excluded) | |
Excluded Results | Count of currently charted results excluded from the statistics | |
Levels Used | Count of levels with results | |
Slope | Slope of the best fit line | Precision: 2 digits after decimal |
Y Intercept | Y intercept of the best fit line | Precision: same as the result value |
r | Pearson product moment correlation coefficient of the best fit line | Precision: 4 digits |
r2 | Pearson product moment correlation coefficient of the best fit line, squared | Precision: 4 digits |
Result Values
The result values associated with a chart are displayed with the following information:
Field Name | Notes |
Result Time | Result date/time associated with result; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference |
Value | Result value and unit of measure for parameter |
Target Value | Target value for the result |
Range | Range for the result value; displayed in the unit of measure selected as a system setting |
Level | Product level for the result |
Linearity | Linearity material associated with the result |
Reagent | Reagent material associated with result, if applicable |
Operator | Operator associated with result |
Location | The RALS™ SYSTEM location associated with result |
Comments | Comment(s) associated with result, if applicable |
Review Note | The last review note associated with the result, if applicable |
If multiple time zone support is enabled, the set of results on the chart is determined by the time zone selected at chart generation, not your time zone preference. Changing your time zone preference will not change the set of results on the chart.
Linearity records are automatically saved when generated and can be directly edited until they are reviewed. Reviewed records cannot be edited.
Linearity records can be bulk edited. When reviewing a group of records, individual records may be removed from the group if desired. After all charts have been viewed, the entire group can be marked as reviewed. See Linearity Reviews for more information on reviewing linearity records.
Bulk editing is not available in Internet Explorer.
All Linearity records can be cloned. All values will be copied, except:
Field | Notes |
Date | You will be prompted to enter a new one |
Time Zone | Time zone applied to the date specified during record generation; only displayed if multiple time zone support is enabled |
Reviews | Associated reviews are not copied |
Deactivating or Deleting
Linearity records that have not been reviewed can be deleted. Deleted records cannot be restored. Linearity records can also be automatically purged.
Linearity Actions
The following actions are available for linearity records:
RALS supports reviewing a linearity record after all charts have been viewed. Reviewed records are read-only. Records can be reviewed multiple times.
See Linearity Reviews for more information on reviewing linearity records.
Delete Reviews
The delete reviews action allows you to delete all reviews at once for a given linearity record. A special permission is required. Once the reviews associated with the record have been deleted, the record itself can be deleted.
The RALS™ SYSTEM provides the ability to manage linearity tasks. For more information on tasks, see the following sections:
Linearity record fields are located in the following places in the RALS™ SYSTEM:
Data Table Fields
When viewing linearity records in a data table, the fields are defined as follows:
Field | Notes |
General | |
Key | Unique identifier from the database |
Reviewed | Indicates whether the record has been reviewed at least once |
Time Zone | Time zone applied to the date range specified during record generation; only displayed if multiple time zone support is enabled |
Criteria | |
Date | Date of result values included on the chart |
Device | Device specified during record generation |
Device Type | Device type from record |
End Date | End date specified during record generation; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
Generated By | Operator who generated the record |
Generated Time | Date and time the record was generated; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference |
Institution | Institution associated with record, based on devices for which data was charted |
Linearity | Control specified during record generation |
Parameters | Parameters specified during record generation |
Reagents | Reagent materials specified during record generation |
Test Type | If the selected device type is i-STAT® 1, test type selected during record generation; for other device types, the test type associated with the material will be displayed if applicable |
Start Date | Start date specified during record generation; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
Review Last Review Note | Text of last review note Last Reviewed By | Operator who last reviewed the record Last Reviewed Time | Date and time of the most recent review; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference
Add Fields
When adding a linearity record, the fields are defined as follows:
Field | Notes |
Criteria | |
Date | Date of result values included on the chart; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference |
Device Type | Device type associated with the linearity record |
Device | Device associated with the linearity record |
Reagent | Reagent materials associated with the linearity record |
Linearity | Control specified during record generation |
Parameters | Parameters associated with the linearity record |
Test Type | If the selected device type is i-STAT® 1, test type selected during record generation; for other device types, the test type associated with the material will be displayed if applicable |
Time Zone | Time zone applied to the date range specified during record generation; only displayed if multiple time zone support is enabled |
View or Edit Details Fields
When viewing a linearity record’s details, the fields are defined as follows:
Field | Notes |
Criteria | |
Date | Date of result values included on the chart; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference |
Device Type | Device type from record |
Device | Device specified during record generation |
Reagent | Reagent materials specified during record generation |
Parameters | Parameters specified during record generation |
Test Type | If the selected device type is i-STAT® 1, test type selected during record generation; for other device types, the test type associated with the material will be displayed if applicable |
Time Zone | Time zone applied to the date range specified during record generation; only displayed if multiple time zone support is enabled |
Reviews | |
Time | Date and time of the review; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference |
Reviewed By | Operator who reviewed the record |
Note | Text of review note |