A certification denotes that a user is qualified to use a certain device type connected to the RALS™ SYSTEM. The RALS™ SYSTEM can be used to manage these certifications. Each operator can have one certification per device type for each certification group.
Note: If certification groups are not in use, then each operator can have only one certification per device type.
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Certification Status
Institution Access
Certification Group Access
Deactivating or Deleting
Certification Status
Certifications are valid through 11:59 on the Certification Expiration Date. This certification status is relative to how the certification is being viewed or used if multiple time zone support is enabled.
When viewing certifications, the following icons are displayed:
Icon | Usage |
Certification is expired |
Certification is expiring within the next 30 days |
Certification is not expired nor expiring within the next 30 days |
Institution Access
A certification’s institution identity is defined by the associated operator.
Certification Group Access
A certification’s certification group identity is defined by the certification group selected for the certification. Only certifications within a user’s certification group access will be visible; see Certification Group Access for more information.
Certifications can be added for each operator. Each operator can only have one certification for each device type, unless certification groups are enabled, each operator can have one certification for each device type and certification group pair, see Certification Groups for more information.
Certifications for multiple device types can be added. When adding certifications in bulk, if any of the selected operators already have a certification for a device type, the existing certification will NOT be modified. The same is true for certifications with a matching combination of device type and certification groups if certification groups are enabled, see Certification Groups for more information.
Certifications can be edited from the operator details.
Certifications can be edited in bulk from the operators data table by selecting any number of operators and using the Edit Certification action. Each selected operator will have the details of their certifications overwritten with the entered values, if the certifications already exist. If any of the selected operators do NOT have a certification for the device type, certifications that do not already exist will not be created.
If certification groups support is enabled when using the bulk Edit Certification action, each selected operator will have the details of their certification overwritten with the entered values, if the certifications already exist. If any of the selected operators do NOT have a certification for one or more of the selected certification group and device type combinations, certifications that do not already exist will not be create. To edit certifications for additonal certification group, repeat this process as necessary.
Certifications are cloned when an operator is cloned. See Cloning Operators for more information.
Deactivating or Deleting
Certifications can be deleted. Deleted certifications cannot be restored.
Certification fields are located in the following places in the RALS™ SYSTEM:
Data Table Fields
See Operators - Data Table Fields for more information.
Add Fields
When adding a certification, the fields are defined as follows:
Field | Notes |
Device Type | Required when adding a device certification |
Certification Group | Required when adding a device certification; only certification groups that the user has access to can be selected; only displayed if Certification Groups is enabled; see Certification Groups for more information |
Device Operator ID | Used to login to devices |
Administrator | Elevates privileges on supported device types |
Observer | Operator can observe tests run by other operators for the purpose of certification |
Initial Certification | Date operator was first certified to use the device type; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
Certification Expiration | Date operator’s current certification expires; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
Observed Date | Date operator was observed running a test for the purpose of certification; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
Observed By | Operator who observed running a test for the purpose of certification |
Exam Date | Date operator passed an exam for the purpose of certification; displayed as entered by the user, regardless of whether multiple time zone support is enabled |
View or Edit Details Fields
When viewing or editing certification details, the fields are defined as follows:
Note: Only certifications for certification groups that the user has access to will be displayed.
Field | Notes |
Device Type | Read-only when editing a certification |
Certification Group | Read-only when editing a certification; only displayed if Certification Groups is enabled; see Certification Groups for more information |
Device Operator ID | Used to login to devices |
Administrator | Elevates privileges on supported device types |
Observer | Operator can observe tests run by other operators for the purpose of certification |
Initial Certification | Date operator was first certified to use the device type; displayed as entered by the user |
Certification Expiration | Date operator’s current certification expires; displayed as entered by the user |
Recertification Attempt | Date system attempted to recertify applicable operators |
Observed Date | Date operator was observed running a test for the purpose of certification; displayed as entered by the user |
Observed By | Operator who observed running a test for the purpose of certification |
Exam Date | Date operator passed an exam for the purpose of certification; displayed as entered by the user |
Note: Not all devices support operator lists.