Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment

Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment refers to the infrastructure that hosts the RALS™ SYSTEM on the cloud. This setup eliminates the need for on-premise servers and hardware, offering a scalable and secure platform.

Cloud Network Extension

The Cloud Network Extension (CNE) application enables secure communication between the RALS™ SYSTEM and a private network to interface with external information systems. Cloud Network Extension (CNE):

For CNE, Server refers to the RALS™ SYSTEM’s Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment and Client refers to a customer’s on-premise network. CNE Server can only be installed when the RALS™ SYSTEM is an Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment. The RALS™ SYSTEM provides the ability to configure the CNE application and pair to a CNE Client application.

Pairing a Client (CNE Installation)

Each CNE Client must be paired to the RALS™ SYSTEM CNE Server. In the cloud configurations data table, clicking the Add button opens the Pair Client dialog. You will require the cloud configurations pair permission in order to download CNE Client and access the Pair Client action.

Note: The Pair Client dialog in the RALS™ SYSTEM also provides instructions on how to pair a client. The Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment URL must be populated in order to pair a client. See AI-CMINS0154 - Cloud Network Extension (CNE) User Guide document for more information.

  1. Navigate to the Cloud Configurations data table.
  2. Select More Actions and then select “Download CNE Client”.
  3. Once the CNE Client file is downloaded, open it.
  4. In the RALS™ SYSTEM, select Add button in the cloud configurations data table. Enter a name for Configuration Name. The Configuration Name must be unique across other Configuration Names and System Statuses (e.g. “evaluator”, “reports service” etc.). The Pair Client dialog also presents you with a Client ID and Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment URL.
  5. Select Pair.
  6. The Pair Client dialog now presents you with a Client Password as well.
  7. Select the Copy button and navigate back to the CNE Client installer file that you opened in step 3. The CNE Client installer prompts you to enter the Client ID, Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment URL, and the Client Password that you just copied to your clipboard. Paste the data into the “Client Pairing Data (Client ID, RALS URL, Client Password)” field in the CNE Client installer.
    Note: Your IT department provides the Account User Name and Account Password for the CNE Client Installer. For more information, please refer to AI-CMIN0154 - Cloud Network Extension User Guide.
  8. Proceed with the CNE Client installation.
  9. In the RALS™ SYSTEM, select close in the Pair Client dialog. Once you select Close, Pair Client dialog will close. In addition, cloud configurations data table will be refreshed and a new cloud configuration will be added. A CNE Client status is also added to the statuses data table with the newly added cloud configuration using the Configuration Name.

Update Paired Client

You will require the cloud configurations pair permission in order to pair a new client with a cloud configuration that already has a client paired:

  1. Navigate to the cloud configurations data table.
  2. Select the cloud configuration that you want to update.
  3. Select Update Paired Client from the more actions menu.


  1. Navigate to the cloud configuration details.
  2. Select Update Paired Client from the more actions menu.

This will disconnect all of the connections set up within the given cloud configuration until the client using the cloud configuration is reinstalled.


You can view health status of CNE Client and Server’s connections under Status Type “Cloud Network Extension”. CNE Statuses are available after the CNE Client application is installed. You will be able to view one status for CNE Server and multiple statuses for CNE Client. CNE Client shows health status for each active cloud configuration that exists in the RALS™ SYSTEM.

For more information on statuses, see Statuses.

System Types Settings

You can view whether your current RALS™ SYSTEM is an Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment or not within the System Types Settings. See System Types Settings for more information.


Once installed, the CNE agent will run as a service without a user interface.