System Settings
You can configure various system settings for each of the following groups:
- General System Settings
- Database System Settings
- E-mail System Settings
- Interfacing System Settings
- LDAP System Settings
- MIG System Settings
- Purge System Settings
- Security System Settings
- System Types Settings
- Time Zones System Settings
Each group has associated permissions that allows you to view or edit system settings. Groups are only visible if the logged-in user has appropriate permissions.
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Institution Access
Deactivating or Deleting
Institution Access
System settings are a system-wide resource without any institution identity.
System system settings cannot be added.
System system settings can be edited by users with manage permissions for the corresponding system settings group.
System system settings cannot be cloned.
Deactivating or Deleting
System system settings cannot be deactivated or deleted.
System system settings fields are located in the following places in the RALS™ SYSTEM:
Data Table Fields
When viewing system settings in a data table, the fields are defined as follows:
Field | Notes |
General | |
Key | Unique identifier |
Name | Name associated with the system setting group |
Settings | List of all settings within the group |