
Statuses display the health of RALS™ SYSTEM diagnostics, services, purges, and backups. Diagnostics Type checks adherence to RALS™ SYSTEM’s hosting environment specification.

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Statuses Actions


Statuses are tracked for the following RALS™ SYSTEM components and processes:

Type Item Description
Cloud Network Extension CNE Client CNE Client is a customer’s on-premise network. Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment securely communicates with CNE Client; CNE Client status is created for each cloud configuration added to the RALS™ SYSTEM; see Cloud Network Extension and Cloud Configurations for more information
Cloud Network Extension CNE Server CNE Server is the Abbott Cloud Hosted Environment for the RALS™ SYSTEM which securely communicates with a customer’s on-premise network
Services E-mail System configuration for sending e-mails
Services Evaluator Component used to evaluate results
Services LDAP Process used to interface with a directory system (e.g. Active Directory)
Services LMS Process used to interface with learning management system
Services MIG Component used to communicate with external analyzers
Services Operator Recertification Process used to automatically recertify operators
Services Patients/Orders Interface Component used for inbound (ADT/Orders) interfaces
Services Reports Service Service used to generate reports
Services Results Interface Component used for outbound (LIS/HIS/EHR) interfaces
Databases History DB Component used to store History data
Databases History DB Backup Process used to backup the history database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Databases HL7InMsg DB Component used to store HL7InMsg data
Databases LDAP DB Component used to store LDAP data
Databases LDAP DB Backup Process used to backup the LDAP database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Databases LMS DB Component used to store learning management system data
Databases Logs DB Component used to store Logs data
Databases Logs DB Backup Process used to backup the Logs database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Databases Master DB Backup Process used to backup the Master database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Databases MIG DB Component used to store MIG data
Databases Mirth DB Backup Process used to backup the Mirth database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Databases RALS DB Component used to store the RALS™ SYSTEM data
Databases RALS DB Backup Process used to backup the RALS database; status not available for a customer-controlled database
Diagnostics CPU Cores Process to check adherence to CPU specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM
Diagnostics OS Drive Disk Space Process to check adherence to OS Drive Disk Space specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM
Diagnostics OS Version Process to check adherence to OS Version specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM
Diagnostics RALS™ SYSTEM Drive Disk Space Process to check adherence to Drive Disk Space specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM
Diagnostics RAM Size Process to check adherence to RAM Size specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM
Diagnostics TLS Detection (GPO) Process to check adherence to TLS Detection (GPO) specifications in the RALS™ SYSTEM


A status will display one of the following healths:

Icon Status Notes
In Error RALS™ SYSTEM component or process ran, but encountered one or more issues
Not Running RALS™ SYSTEM component or process is not currently running
Running RALS™ SYSTEM component or process ran without issue

When the following components have a Health of “In Error”, the reason(s) listed may be the cause:

Institution Access

Statuses do not have an institution identity; all statuses can be viewed by any operator.


Statuses cannot be added.


Statuses cannot be edited.


Statuses cannot be cloned.

Deactivating or Deleting

Statuses cannot be deactivated nor deleted.

Statuses Actions

Execute Diagnostics

The Execute Diagnostics action enables you to manually check a system’s adherence to the RALS™ SYSTEM’s hosting environment. This action refreshes the diagnostics, so that you can view the latest status health.


The following fields are defined for a status:

Field Notes
Key Unique identifier
Name RALS™ SYSTEM component or process
Type Type of statuses: Services, Databases, Purge, Diagnostics
Health Health RALS™ SYSTEM component or process
Last Update Time Date and time the health was last updated; if multiple time zone support is enabled, this is displayed relative to your time zone preference
Message Further health-related information for databases, diagnostics, purges, and services